Great question, right, and one that we felt needed answering. When looking at our mortgage options, there are always mutterings about using a mortgage advisor, but is it necessary? Is it just something that estate agents recommend for their gain? Well, let’s look at some of the reasons we believe using a mortgage advisor is a no-brainer, and then you can decide from there…
Some of the reasons seem pretty obvious but are still worth considering; it is often the obvious things that we overlook, and it can take a little reminder to make us go ‘good point’. On the flip side, there are also many reasons you may not even have considered; reasons that aren’t on your radar because…well, why would they be? That’s where we step in. To provide you with the facts as to why it may be advantageous. Where shall we start…
Getting the lowest cost – The number one aim when getting a new mortgage or a remortgage is to get the best possible price. That’s top of everyone’s priority list. And that is probably not something you can necessarily get yourself. Could you get a reasonable price? Hopefully. But are you guaranteed to get the BEST price…mmm debatable. But a mortgage advisor will because that is their job, plain and simple. And alongside cost, they can also guide on the best type of mortgage, something very few of us have specialist knowledge of. This inside info is gold. But we should also be transparent here and tell you that some mortgage advisors only offer services from specific lenders. This does not mean you won’t get a fantastic deal; however, they face limitations within their search range. Do you know who are ‘whole of market advisors’, though? Yep, our guys!
Passing over the paperwork – A mortgage advisor isn’t just there to find the right deal for you; they are also there to push it forward, see it through to completion, and tie up loose ends. And who wouldn’t want that? They will do all the admin that most of us don’t know how and don’t want to do. Paperwork is a pain and can be very confusing if you don’t know what it all means. Plus, the jargon…don’t get us started on that. We are estate agents, so we are familiar with most of the lingo, but are you? Maybe not, and why should you be? Another question worth asking yourself is whether you want to go to the effort to find out. I don’t imagine you are nodding your head vigorously. So, hand it over and let the experts dot the ‘i’s and cross the ‘t’s. At least that way, you can feel confident that it is being done correctly.
Inside info – Using a mortgage advisor isn’t just about mortgages. These guys can also advise on other ‘adult stuff’ that maybe we wouldn’t even consider unless someone else brought it up. The older we get, the more life admin we have to sort out; suddenly, life insurances and wills become necessary – or at least something we should consider. And a mortgage broker is the angel on our shoulders that will help us make sensible, informed decisions. Not only will they provide sound advice, but it will also be up-to-date, which is priceless. We have worked so hard to have our assets, so isn’t it worth ensuring they are looked after? Again, not all mortgage companies will offer this additional service, but you know where we are going with this…our guys do!
A little something you may not know…
There is a myth that going direct to a mortgage company and cutting out the middleman will save you money. This is not always the case. Many people don’t realise that most mortgage providers have their third-party fees built in, so even if you did go to them directly, there is no guarantee of a saving. In fact, you will probably be paying the same amount, but (and this is the important part!) you will not be given the same level of information that a mortgage broker would be able to provide you with…or as we like to call it, the ‘bigger picture’.
In a nutshell, is a mortgage advisor the answer?
We won’t patronise you by saying that getting a mortgage is a massive financial decision; you know that already. But it is our role to remind you that the simplest and cheapest option isn’t always the best. Mortgages can be complex to negotiate, but for most, they aren’t revisited regularly, so why not get it right the first time. For most, a decent bit of advice from the start, followed by a confident decision-making experience, should set you up. But can you do that without the help of an expert? Maybe some can. But for the rest of you, why not let us introduce you to someone that can help….
Would you like to find a mortgage advisor that can do the following:
- Get you the lowest possible mortgage rate for your needs
- Get you the best possible deal for your situation
- Provide you with inside knowledge and advice
- Take on all the admin and paperwork that makes you scream
- Take away the hassle – of what? – of everything!
- Provide you with advice on additional insurances that would secure your families investments and future
If you have answered yes to at least half of these, you have your answer. On an almost weekly basis, we get asked whether a mortgage advisor is worth investing in, and our answer is always the same…we can tell you what they do, and you can tell us whether that would benefit you. We shouldn’t be so confident as to say the result is always the same, but when you look at the facts, it’s pretty conclusive. We want what is best for you, and they want what is best for you. And are you likely to be better off with their support? Honestly? Our answer would be a big fat yes.
Let us help…
If you want to know more about using a mortgage advisor or want details of our preferred advisor, give us a call. They are a pretty friendly bunch…we wouldn’t choose anyone else to work alongside.