The holiday season is upon us, and amidst the hustle and bustle, there’s a subtle beauty in slowing down and taking stock of the little things that make life extraordinary. It’s easy to get swept up in the chaos of holiday shopping, decorating, and juggling endless social commitments (oh, the woes of being so popular). But what if we set aside the to-do lists for the next 12 days – before the chaos really kicks in – and consciously cultivate a sense of gratitude? Let’s embark on a journey of mindfulness and positivity, exploring the simple yet profound joys that often go unnoticed in our daily lives. It’s not as easy as it sounds, but let’s all promise to give it a go…

Day 1: The Gift of Presence

In a world that constantly demands our attention, the simple act of being present is a gift we often overlook. Today, take a moment to pause and truly engage in the conversations around you. Put away the phone, shut off the mental to-do list, and savour the richness of connection. Whether it’s a chat with a friend or a shared laugh with a colleague, relish the beauty of being fully present. But a warning for you…it can be pretty addictive!

Day 2: Embracing Imperfections

Life is a messy, imperfect masterpiece, much like a well-loved Christmas sweater – you know the one we mean; it probably lights up and mentions ‘nice puddings’ or something equally as distasteful. Today, let’s be grateful for the flaws that make us unique. Instead of dwelling on what’s not perfect, celebrate the quirks that make you, well, you. There’s a certain charm in imperfection that adds character to all of us. Don’t try and be anything but unique; imagine how boring life would be.

Day 3: Nature’s Symphony

Amidst the holiday chaos, find solace in nature. No, we haven’t lost the plot; bear with us on this one. Whether it’s the rustle of leaves or the rhythmic patter of rain, take a moment to tune into the world around you. Find gratitude in the simple pleasures of a sunrise, the fragrance of pine in the air, or the comforting warmth of a cup of tea…or a cheeky mulled wine. Nature’s subtle cues can be a powerful reminder to slow down and appreciate the beauty surrounding us.

Day 4: Acts of Kindness

Gratitude isn’t just about what we receive but also what we give. Today, sprinkle kindness like confetti. A smile, a helping hand, or a thoughtful gesture can create ripples of positivity. It’s incredible how a small act of kindness, like holding the door open for a stranger or leaving an uplifting note for a friend or colleague, can brighten someone’s day. Embrace the joy of giving without expecting anything in return other than a sense of joy.

Day 5: Unplugging for Joy

Sad as it is, we now live in a world dominated by screens and gadgets. Today’s challenge is a tricky one. Try taking a break from the digital noise; unplug and revel in the simplicity of real-life experiences. Whether it’s a quiet walk in the park, a board game with loved ones, or the pleasure of flipping through a book (put that Kindle away!), relish the pleasure of fully engaging in the real world. We like to call it your digital detox because it is precisely that…a cleansing, detoxing experience.

Day 6: Gratitude for Growth

Life is a journey of constant growth, filled with both challenges and triumphs. Trust us when we say we have had our fair share of them this year. Today, let’s be grateful for the lessons learned and the resilience gained. Embrace the wisdom that comes from navigating the twists and turns of life’s unpredictable path; it’s an excellent opportunity for personal growth. It sounds cheesy, but time really does allow us to learn about ourselves and the world around us.

Day 7: Nourishing the Body and Soul

Amidst the festive feasts and treats, take a moment to be grateful for the nourishment your body and soul receive. Relish the simple pleasures surrounding you because having gratitude for the basic elements that sustain us can foster a sense of contentment. It is these basic things that are the recipe for happiness. We can all learn so much from this small lesson.

Day 8: Mindful Moments of Silence

In the chaos of holiday cheer (if you can escape your pets and children…), find solace in moments of silence. Going for a quiet morning walk or simply sitting by the window with a cup of tea is the opportunity to give yourself the gift of stillness. Meditation has also become very popular in recent years and is beneficial for many. In that moment of hush, discover the power of your thoughts and feelings. It’s something quite special when you can shut out the noise of everything around you.

Day 9: Cherishing Memories

The holiday season often stirs memories of joy and nostalgia. Today, take a stroll down memory lane and cherish the moments that have shaped you and your relationships. Many of us have childhood holiday traditions that truly make us smile, so indulge in one. Even just an hour to look back through old Christmas photos can be the best medicine.

Day 10: The Power of Perspectives

Gratitude flourishes when we shift our perspective; it takes some practice, though. Why not look at challenges as opportunities and setbacks as comebacks. There’s a unique power in viewing life through a lens of positivity. Embrace the belief that even in the face of adversity, there’s always something to be grateful for—a silver lining waiting to be discovered. It all sounds a bit cheesy, but there is a lot of truth in it. We are talking from experience!

Day 11: Finding Joy in Simplicity

As the holiday season crescendos, find joy in the simplicity of the everyday. It’s not always about grand gestures or elaborate celebrations. Be grateful for the quiet moments of happiness: a shared smile, a cosy evening by the fireplace, or the satisfaction of a hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows. Simple pleasures often hold the most profound gratitude. Set yourself a small task of seeking joy in five different things today – that there are no rules; it could be anything.

Day 12: The Gift of Now

As our 12-day journey concludes, let’s unwrap the ultimate gift: the present moment. Gratitude flourishes when we anchor ourselves in the now, appreciating the beauty of life as it unfolds.


Tis The Season To Be…Happy!

Let’s carry this mindful spirit into the holiday season and beyond. Gratitude isn’t a fleeting sentiment reserved for special occasions; it’s a daily practice that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. May the lessons of these 12 days stay with us, guiding us through the inevitable highs and lows ahead of us. Here’s to a new year filled with mindful moments, simple joys, and an ever-growing appreciation for the beautiful things around us. Have a fantastic Christmas, everyone!